Shota Nagayama

Leader, Board Member
Shota Nagayama image
Keio University Project Associate Professor
Mercari, Inc. Senior Researcher

Specializes in the Quantum Internet, particularly in quantum error correcting codes and quantum internet architecture/communication protocols. While majoring in Cyber Informatics at the Graduate School of Media and Governance at Keio University, he studied quantum information processing in the Internet Research Laboratory, and obtained his PhD (media and governance) in 2017. During this time, he was also a JSPS Research Fellow, part-time lecturer for Keio University’s Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, and co-chair for the WIDE Project Quantum Architecture Working Group. After earning his PhD, he worked on machine learning as a guest researcher in the Neural Information Processing Group at Eotvos Lorand University, then joined R4D in April 2018. While in R4D, he worked as a member of the National Center of Incident Readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity Research and Industry-Academia-Government Cooperation Strategy Working Group, and he was selected for the FY2018 MITOU Target Program (gate-type quantum computers division) and carried out the Distributed Quantum Computing Platform project. Currently, he also holds positions as founder, board member, and coordinator of the Quantum Internet Task Force and steering committee member of Information Processing Society of Japan’s SIG on Quantum Software.